Why do I write about my divorce? It’s a question I hear a lot. I sometimes wonder if it’s actual curiosity, judgment or maybe both. People tell me, this is divorce, it’s painful and sad and …
The X

#Blocked. Why You Should Delete and Block Your Ex from Social Media.
Why can’t I stay friends with my ex on social media? Social media has added a layer of complexity to the end of a relationship that would be easier without it. We now have to …

Shit Get Real. This is how it feels when your husband moves out.
Friends, let’s talk. It has come to my attention that I haven’t actually spent a lot of time here talking about my divorce, considering this is a blog about divorce. Why? Because divorce is hard. …

Baggage Claim: What do you with all the physical stuff after divorce?
Baggage. Let’s talk baggage. Everyone carries it. Baggage from past hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Things from the past we’d rather bury and move on from. We carry emotional baggage, sometimes physical baggage, through our …

5 Ways to Use Your Wedding Dress After Divorce
Divorce Happens. Let’s face it. Divorce happens. In addition to being incredibly complicated and terribly heartbreaking (maybe…) you were also left with a ton of stuff. Stuff that once had great meaning and memories …