I love to read. I always have since childhood. My go-to books of choice are usually fiction, primarily mystery, thriller type stuff. As my marriage failed and I entered therapy, my therapist began to recommend …

Learning to Be Alone Again. Tips for Dealing with Loneliness and Embracing Your Single Life.
One day you’re married, the next divorced. Well maybe it’s not quite that simple but it feels that way. I just got a letter in the mail. Dissolution was filed. The End. It was incredibly …

Why Do I Write About My Divorce?
Why do I write about my divorce? It’s a question I hear a lot. I sometimes wonder if it’s actual curiosity, judgment or maybe both. People tell me, this is divorce, it’s painful and sad and …

#Blocked. Why You Should Delete and Block Your Ex from Social Media.
Why can’t I stay friends with my ex on social media? Social media has added a layer of complexity to the end of a relationship that would be easier without it. We now have to …

Baggage Claim: What do you with all the physical stuff after divorce?
Baggage. Let’s talk baggage. Everyone carries it. Baggage from past hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Things from the past we’d rather bury and move on from. We carry emotional baggage, sometimes physical baggage, through our …