I love to read. I always have since childhood. My go-to books of choice are usually fiction, primarily mystery, thriller type stuff. As my marriage failed and I entered therapy, my therapist began to recommend books that may help me to understand further what was happening in my relationship. She also recommended books to help me deal with grief and come out the other side through inspirational stories. I poured through page after page, book after book, looking for answers and understanding. I fell in love with poetry and devotionals.
As I’ve expanded TCB, I have authors who have reached out to share their own stories. It was a no-brainer, of course, I wanted to read them!! I know keep a pile of books for reference and the occasional pick me up. I wanted to share the wealth so I started to include my favorite books on
my Amazon page and in our monthly giveaway. Each book listed is also included in my monthly giveaway when you subscribe to my newsletter also includes a personalization from me to you. Here’s a round up of my favorite five to start us off.
(1). Broken Open
My therapist recommended a lot of books when I first started seeing her. In the beginning, they were relationship and marriage focused. I ordered all of them and read them cover to cover. My marriage still ended in divorce, but not for a lack of resources. Then she recommended this book. This book is compiled of short stories that each offer an important moral, musing, or insight. It is based on the premise that after we are thrown to the fire, i.e. divorce, death, or other hardship, that we reemerge if we choose to go through our own Phoenix process and allow this challenge to change us. It’s easy to read in segments but be sure to expect quite a few tears.
(2.) I Hope This Reaches Her in Time
If you’ve ever been on Pinterest I’m sure you have read a quote from
R.H. Sin. I know I had, way prior to purchasing my first book of his. His poetry speaks to the female heart and talks about female emotion in a way that is so true and so beautifully accurate. After pouring over his blog and his Insta, I made the decision to purchase I hope this reaches her in time and I hope this reaches her too. I crawled in bed and read the first cover to cover in one sitting. **Side note its a fairly short read, but nonetheless impactful regardless. The next on my list of his books to purchase is Whiskey Words and a Shovel. Why? Obviously because of the title and then of course because I LOVE everything he writes. Also, check out his wife,
Samantha King Holmes. I haven’t read anything by her just yet but I have one on order. Her writing is similar and their love story inspires.
One of the best things about this shitty time in my life has been the wonderful people I’ve met along the way. Lauren (the author of this next must-read) is one of them. Stop Wrecking My Home shares her story through infidelity, divorce, and the rebuild of your life after. While everyone’s divorce story is a little different, there is one commonality, it’s hard and heartbreaking for everyone involved. Through her book, Lauren talks about how to come out of a broken marriage in one piece. Her voice is real, honest, and this book reads like you are just chatting with your amazing girlfriend. Buy this, read it, visit her website, and follow her on
Insta. Thank me later.
(4.)Disavowed. Refined in the Fire of Divorce
I’ve been obsessed with the concept of being refined and redeveloped by the hardship I’ve faced and the loss of my forever so obviously this book talking being Refined in the fire of divorce fits right in. This is another poetry book, short reads compiled into one book, with this one heavily rooted in faith and Christianity. I consider myself a Christian but more spiritual than religious. Following my divorce and all the heartache that ensued, I lost a lot of faith. Through new connections with strong women of faith, I’ve been slowly rebuilding my own. Whatever your religious affiliation, you will resonate with this book. A.M. Houston’s short poems are beautiful and speak so much truth and grace on life’s least graceful of moments. After connecting with her, hearing her story, and further getting to know her, I’m so blessed to have been giving the opportunity to share her amazing, heartfelt work.

Gemma reached out to me and asked if she could share some of my content in exchange for her book. Let me tell you, I won the deal there because this book is GOLD 😉 Doing Single Well is a must have and must read for newly single. happily single, or otherwise single men and women. With my main goal at TCB to help others live a life you love regardless of relationship status, this book COMPLETELY aligns with my vision. Even if you aren’t single, being comfortable in your own skin and your life, without dependence on anyone is an amazing skill to have. Part of the hardship with divorce and breakups is the learning to be alone again. It’s hard learning and relearning single life after a long relationship. Gemma shows us the way in this book. I strive for always learning and trying to be my best self, which includes continuing education and self-development this book gets you there even faster. Read it!!
While all of these reads sit in the “self-help” category, I prefer to just think of them as self-improvement and continuing education. I think “self-help” has a bad rap. What is wrong with making ourselves better people for our partners, family, and community. Absolutely nothing!!!! I am always learning and expanding my mind as well as continuing to grow into the masterpiece I hope to be someday. I don’t just read this genre, my “fun” books include mystery and thriller, no romance novels here! If you are interested in some of my most recent fun books stay tuned or shoot me a quick email. I’m always looking for new reads and happy to share all of mine. I love to read at night before bed and in the bath so I’m always in need of a good new book!!
What’s on your Fall reading list??
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