I swear to God if one more person uses a dating/love cliche to me again, Ima smack a bitch. Maybe that’s being a little harsh? But maybe not. I know people want to be supportive …
Single Life
Being single is an adventure. Single life is fun, yet terrifying. Learning to be single after a relationship can be tough. But there is freedom in single life as well.

Complicated Life: Taco Tuesday Edition. Explain First, Tell Stories After
Welcome. A Life Of Events. Welcome to the very first glimpse into my daily life. You know my actual life where I make money and don’t cry all the time about my divorce. Supposedly. Living …

Divorce. One Year Later.
Divorce. One Year Later. In an effort to move out of my grief and into the new me for the new year, I wanted to introduce you to a new series for TCB. Entitled, A Day …

No Fear: A One Year Journey to Fearless
Fear defined. Fear is defined as an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat. Divorce is all of the above, filled with fear. Divorce …

The Waiting Game
So I told you the cheater friended me on snap. And I added him back… and then I waited and waited. I wondered to myself, J – What’s the end game here? He leaves her …