Stupid shit and poor decisions. My life the last year had been one big shit show of pain and embarrassment. I have done a lot of stupid shit. I have acted crazy. I’m pretty sure …

New Rules: Why you should never hook back up with your ex
I’ve got new rules, I count them. Healing from a breakup of any kind is treacherous. Even when we make up our minds, our hearts don’t always fall in line so easily. There is an unspoken set of …

No Fear: A One Year Journey to Fearless
Fear defined. Fear is defined as an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat. Divorce is all of the above, filled with fear. Divorce …

Handling Anger. And other secondary emotions
What are you REALLY feeling? Friends, let’s real talk for a minute. A lot of my life the past year I have spent angry. Angry at the men in my life for letting me down, …

To Follow or Not to Follow – Part Two: Reject Him
The follow up to an earlier conversation answering the age old question, should I follow my ex after a breakup? I now now know the answer. Don’t follow… Public Service Announcement – 1: Don’t drunk …