Divorce. One Year Later. In an effort to move out of my grief and into the new me for the new year, I wanted to introduce you to a new series for TCB. Entitled, A Day …
Starting Over
Starting over is never easy. There is hope for the future, you just have to find it. Believe that happiness is possible.

New Rules: Why you should never hook back up with your ex
I’ve got new rules, I count them. Healing from a breakup of any kind is treacherous. Even when we make up our minds, our hearts don’t always fall in line so easily. There is an unspoken set of …

Handling Anger. And other secondary emotions
What are you REALLY feeling? Friends, let’s real talk for a minute. A lot of my life the past year I have spent angry. Angry at the men in my life for letting me down, …

The Waiting Game
So I told you the cheater friended me on snap. And I added him back… and then I waited and waited. I wondered to myself, J – What’s the end game here? He leaves her …

Why are you still single?
There are a lot of uncomfortable words in the English language. Like moist. And a lot of uncomfortable phrases or statements in the English language. Like, ‘I’m just not that into you.’ ‘You have spinach …