I’ve got new rules, I count them. Healing from a breakup of any kind is treacherous. Even when we make up our minds, our hearts don’t always fall in line so easily. There is an unspoken set of …
Divorce happens everyday. Divorce happens to people in all walks of life. Relationships end and it can be devastating. There are always three sides to every story, yours, theirs, and the truth.

No Fear: A One Year Journey to Fearless
Fear defined. Fear is defined as an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat. Divorce is all of the above, filled with fear. Divorce …

Handling Anger. And other secondary emotions
What are you REALLY feeling? Friends, let’s real talk for a minute. A lot of my life the past year I have spent angry. Angry at the men in my life for letting me down, …

Your Grief Your Terms
I’m feeling good these days. Happy, confident, not so much like I want to die. I’m doing what I want when I want. Most of that involves friends and family, no shitty men. I want …

The Waiting Game
So I told you the cheater friended me on snap. And I added him back… and then I waited and waited. I wondered to myself, J – What’s the end game here? He leaves her …