What is the right answer to this question? This is a thought that everyone has in any relationship going through a rough patch for any amount of time. I still struggle with it myself and …
Dating is complicated. It’s a lot of work, meeting new people and forming a new relationship, but it is a necessary evil if you want to have a romantic relationship.

How Do We End up in Relationships That Don’t Last and How Do You Avoid It?
How do we end up in relationships that don’t fulfill our needs and ultimately don’t last? I’ve had this post in reserve for quite awhile and as I began to put the finishing touches on …

Is She Better Than Me? And Other Questions That Haunt You When Your Ex Moves on with Someone New. Plus 5 Ways to Help You Deal With It
It happens. Eventually, after a breakup, your ex moves on to someone new. I did the rebound thing, he did the meet someone new and stay with her forever thing. We were working on reconciliation …

#Blocked. Why You Should Delete and Block Your Ex from Social Media.
Why can’t I stay friends with my ex on social media? Social media has added a layer of complexity to the end of a relationship that would be easier without it. We now have to …

Speed Dating: A Modern Girl’s Approach to Kissing a lot of Frogs to Find Her Prince
Dating is awful. Dating is awful. Like legit the fucking worst and dating after divorce is, even more, worse than that. Seriously. Dating. Wtf? Am I right ladies? All I get are dick pics, creepers, and …