Baggage. Let’s talk baggage. Everyone carries it. Baggage from past hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Things from the past we’d rather bury and move on from. We carry emotional baggage, sometimes physical baggage, through our …
Starting over at any point in life is never easy. Finding hope and happiness in everyday life is essential for living. Inspiration and encouragement is incredibly important when it comes to building a life you love and finding the hope you need to keep going.

Divorce. One Year Later.
Divorce. One Year Later. In an effort to move out of my grief and into the new me for the new year, I wanted to introduce you to a new series for TCB. Entitled, A Day …

No Fear: A One Year Journey to Fearless
Fear defined. Fear is defined as an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat. Divorce is all of the above, filled with fear. Divorce …

Handling Anger. And other secondary emotions
What are you REALLY feeling? Friends, let’s real talk for a minute. A lot of my life the past year I have spent angry. Angry at the men in my life for letting me down, …

Your Grief Your Terms
I’m feeling good these days. Happy, confident, not so much like I want to die. I’m doing what I want when I want. Most of that involves friends and family, no shitty men. I want …